Critical Path

Yesterday, I went to an interesting show "Critical Path" at the Burlington Arts Center. A group of seasoned ceramists applied for a two year long mentoring session with Professor Emeritus of Sculpture from University of Waterloo- Ann Roberts. This was two years of critique with the final result being a show in the gallery at the BAC.
Two big surprises for me came with the work of Louise McCann and Barbara Rose. I know them for their animated and playful teapots and functional work. Louise did a turn around with a study of rocks that in some cases were very figurative and Barbara took a page out of the work of Marilyn Levine.
A student I knew from Ontario College of Art Michelle Mendowitz had some nice large scale pieces but the wall pieces that I didn't capture all that well were really exceptional.

My  buddy Norm Wheeler took on some scale to his work and filled a large plinth with a band full of nicely wood fired trumpets. Some of my favourite pieces of Louise's came from Norm's kiln. Trains Rule!
Art schools seem to be shrinking, guilds are bulging at the seams and 40 veterans signed up for this mentoring process with only 10 positions available. Academia doesn't seem to have it's ear to the railway tracks. People have a need to talk about their work to people that know how to bring out the best in them. People want to learn, change and grow. Ann Roberts did a fine job! Congrats to all for a nice show.


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